A History of Hindu Civilisation during British Rule...
by Ramatha Nath Bose
L: English, Y: 1894, S: History, 296 pgs |
A History of the principle drug
by William Dymock
L: English, Y: 1891, S: Medical, 696 pgs |
A Journey In Brazi
by Louis Agassiz
L: English, Y: 1867, S: History, 585 pgs |
A Library Of American Literature Volume VII
by Edmund Clarence Stedman
L: English, Y: 1894, S: Literature, 696 pgs |
Christ In Art
by Joseph Lewis French
L: English, Y: 1899, S: Art, 285 pgs |
Cyclopedia Of American Literature Emdroino Personal...
by Evert A Duyckinck
L: English, Y: 1856, S: Literature, 698 pgs |
History Of Europe During The Middle Ages Volume I
by Henry Hallam
L: English, Y: 1899, S: History, 532 pgs |
Life And Correspondence Of Richard Whately Late Archbishop...
by E Jane Whately
L: English, Y: 1866, S: Biography, 506 pgs |
Lockhart's Advance Through Tira
by L J Shadwell
L: English, Y: 1898, S: Social Sciences, 382 pgs |
Mathematical And Physical Papers Vol
by Goerge Gabriel Stokes
L: English, Y: 1880, S: Mathematics, 347 pgs |
On Right And Dut
by Syed Karamat Husein
L: English, Y: 1899, S: Religion. Theology, 231 pgs |
Report of the forty-ninth meeting of the British Association...
by Not Available
L: English, Y: 1879, S: History, 797 pgs |
The Adventures Of Philip On His Way Through The Worl
by William Makepeace Thackeray
L: English, Y: 1888, S: Unknown, 496 pgs |
The Anabasis Or Expedition Of Cyrus And The Memorabilia01?...
by J S Watson
L: English, Y: 1883, S: Unknown, 548 pgs |
The British Essayists With Prefaces Biographical Historical...
by Lionel Thomas Berguer
L: English, Y: 1823, S: Biography, 353 pgs |
The Conspiracy Of Pontiac And Life Indian War After...
by Francis Parman
L: English, Y: 1899, S: Defense, 418 pgs |
The Emperor Akbar. Vol I
by Frederick Augustus
L: English, Y: 1890, S: Geography. Biography. History, 471 pgs |
The History Of The Poems Their Church And State And...
by Leopold Ranke
L: English, Y: 1891, S: History, 537 pgs |
The Jesuits In North America In Seventeenth Centur
by Francis Parkman
L: English, Y: 1900, S: History, 620 pgs |
The Satapatha Brahmana According To The Text Of The...
by Julius Eggeling
L: English, Y: 1882, S: Literature, 557 pgs |